Wednesday, November 4, 2009


HALLOWEEEEEEEEEEENNNNN! We got soooooo wasted and had such a good time!! Started it right with a partay at the hellapad. There were some homeless babes that hung around all night stinking up the place though, which made everyone want to leave........ and a whole trailer park worth of inbred rednecks swung through as well, rowdy to say the least. The next night, party down at the hippy house. A professional drinker made an appearance!! Can you believe we were in the same room as a pro drinker? Even captain super pants was there! Shoulda got a picture of tall pants small tee that was trying to fight everyone. Wayne and I were ready to get some swings in tho. Last night was the band party. Super lame. the house was packed wall to wall, not cool style. Then the POlice came, putting another dampner on any sort of fun....... interesting night tho. Glad theres a whole year until the next halloweek........

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